Friday, March 27, 2009

Turning one is so fun...

All 'my' babies are turning one! Can I claim them as 'mine'? ;) And getting sweeter (and messier) at the same time... *sigh* I think time goes by even faster when you photograph children. I blink and all 'my little ones' are growing up!

Ok, I know little G's mom doesn't need me reminder her how big her sweet boy has gotten. So, I'll stop. We had such a fun time and I mean WE, even Mom and Dad got messy. ;) I hope your second year is just as amazing and fun-filled as your first sweetie pie. I have no doubt that your mom and pop will make it amazing...


and all cleaned up...

It's your party... cleanup

It's your party... cleanup

1 comment:

Lisa Lenderink Photography said...

Yes, definitely have a one year boom going on!
Can't wait to see more!